Wednesday, June 22, 2005

Andrew Sullivan

As illustrated out today in Best of the Web (scroll to the bottom), Andrew Sullivan seems to be moving back to his natural home on the left side of the spectrum. I don't begrudge him his views, and I refuse to slander the guy, out of respect for the outstanding analysis he did in the years following 911. I think I'll always be a fan, even if he sinks fully into the fever swamps of the Left and never recovers.

Tuesday, June 21, 2005

Seven Things You Can't Say In Canada

Colby Cosh takes a stab at his own list of seven things you can't say in Canada, in imitation (flattery, no?) of Margaret Wente's magnificent original, which, I'm almost astonished to say, is better than Colby's. 14 things you can't say in Canada. Well worth a gander. Do it. Now.

He's Baaaaaack!

Took some time off blogging, if you hadn't noticed. Had a number of projects on the go that made it easier to read blogs than to write one. I'm sure you've all been there, those of you who blog.

Anyhoo, I've just lately joined a discussion site on the web called SciForums. I didn't think I'd enjoy the threading method of communicating, but as it turns out it's terribly addictive. I post under the pseudonym BHS. Give it a look when you get a chance.

I'll be posting here periodically for the two or so people who still pop in and have no other way of knowing if I'm still alive.